

Invisalign® Treatment

Invisalign® treatment uses a series of almost-invisible, removable aligners custom-made specifically for your teeth and orthodontic needs. For your added comfort and more accurate fit, we digitally scan your teeth with Align Technology TM Itero Intraoral Scanner.

Your Invisalign® treatment are custom-designed with tooth-coloured attachments for better results and smiles. The aligners are changed weekly to fortnightly, as prescribed by your specialist orthodontist, to bring your teeth closer to the desired outcome. They are comfortable and can easily be taken out for meals or toothbrushing.

Invisalign® is NOT able to treat all orthodontic problems, so our orthodontists will assess your suitability and advise you on your available treatment options. Simply give us a call on 1300 733 077 to arrange your initial consultation.

Invisalign Treatment at Smile Council

Invisalign at Smile Council

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To book your appointment, contact our friendly staff today!